The Journey to web 1.0++

The web is lost.

The inventor acknowledged severally, designers advocate continuously, and creators grudge unknowingly.

In a twist of an event: the problem, content exploitation, lie in today's solution to yesterday's problem.

Spoiler: the culprit is not platforms but apps.

Web 1.0

Yesterday's web, often referred as web 1.0, offered a one-author web.

You get a site to publish the contents for all your web activities.

Yet, you need to manage server infrastructures and design user interfaces before you can publish those contents.

The technicalities of this web era made it challenging for designers and unwelcoming for creators

Web 2.0

Today's web, referred as web 2.0, had platforms deliver apps via Software as a Service (SaaS) or Software as a Product (SaaP).

You get a platform with apps to publish the contents of your web activities. So, no need to manage server infrastructures and design user interfaces of the app; the platform do them.

Yet, you need face up to 2 problems as a result of app's delivery model:

  • With SaaS, you don't get to own your storage. Hence, you don't get total control of your own contents.

  • With SaaS or SaaP, you don't get to call the functionality. Hence, you don't get to control content exploitation.

The improvements of this web era ease designers and welcome creators at the expense of content exploitation.

Web 1.0++

Tomorrow's web, which I termed web 1.0++, will uncouple apps into Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and User Interfaces (UI).

You get to own your storage for total content control. And, you get to call on the functionalities to avoid content exploitation. Besides, you get to make a choice from various compatible user interfaces.

Yet, to leverage this ultimate solution, you need a web design tool that democratize the web workflow to enable a self-sufficient web for creators.

The journey to web 1.0++ had just begun with 7 projects in and out of 3 programs:

  • Document the Design System for the web design tool

  • Design the Product Shell for the core web languages

  • Publish HTML by Contents for the design specification of web contents

    • Develop the Word Processor for unlimited markup of web contents
  • Publish CSS by Visuals for the design specification of web styles

    • Develop the Prose Stylesheet for the default styles of web contents

    • Develop the Style Panels for custom styling of web contents

  • Publish JS by Functions for the design specification of web logics

    • Develop Logic Panels for custom interactions of web contents
  • Dogfood the Design System for product validation