The 9 Content Objects of HTML

A Content Object inserts non-textual information within a Content Block

Vector Image

A Vector Image embeds a scalable graphic resource

The syntax is an svg element with the following attributes and child elements:


Raster Image

A Raster Image inserts an unscalable graphic resource

The syntax is a void img element with the following attributes:

<img src="[url]">

Note: Each Raster Image may have a set of alternatives via a picture element or a set of clickable areas via a Map Card

Audio Media

An Audio Media inserts a sound resource

The syntax is an audio element with the following attributes and child elements:

  • Zero or one count for each of the following attributes: autoplay, controls. crossorigin, muted, loop, preload, and

  • Zero or one count for each Global Attribute

  • The following order of elements:

    1. Zero or more source elements if there is no src attribute

    2. Any order of the following element variants:

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a captions keyword or a chapters keyword

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a descriptions keyword

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a chapters keyword

      • Zero or more track elements

    3. Zero or one count for each element allowed in the parent of this audio element. But, it must exclude descendant of each of the following elements: audio and video. Those elements acts as fallback content when the audio element is not supported by a user agent


Video Media

A Video Media insert moving images with or without a sound resource

The syntax is a video element with the following attributes and child elements:

  • Zero or one count for each of the following attributes:

  • Zero or one count for each of the following attributes: autoplay, controls. crossorigin, height, attributes. loop, muted, playsinline attribute, poster attribute, preload, and
    src. width, and

  • Zero or one count for each Global Attribute

  • The following order of elements:

    1. Zero or more source elements if there is no src attribute

    2. Any order of the following element variants:

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a captions keyword or a chapters keyword

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a descriptions keyword

      • Zero or one track element with a default attribute and a kind attribute having a chapters keyword

      • Zero or more track elements

    3. Zero or more counts for each element allowed in the parent of this video element. But, it must exclude descendant of each of the following elements: audio and video. Those elements acts as fallback content when the audio element is not supported by a user agent


Math Document

A Math Document embed mathematical notations

The syntax is a math element with the following attributes and child elements:


Web Document

A Web Document inserts a navigable resource

The syntax is an iframe element with the following attributes and child elements:


General Document

A General Document inserts other document types but as image if not supported by the user agent

An Object Document relates a resource other than a Raster Image, an Audio Media, a Video Media, or a Web Document

The syntax is an object element with the following attributes and child elements:

<object data="[URL]"></object>

Embed Medium

An Embed Medium provides an integration point for plugins to insert a document

The syntax is an embed element with the following attributes:
